
Security lifehacks 101

Why pay for password managers? Just use one secure password for every service you use! Password managers are really designed for fools who don’t know that you can just use one password for every service and who are ready to pay for that shit.

The best practice is to use your name starting with a capital letter + your main credit card number + CVC code from the back of that card as your go-to password. It’s long and hard to bruteforce and you can remember everything that way! You just need to remember that one password and you’ll always remember your payment info! No need for apple’s bad Apple Pay which is not so secure after all like everything else that Apple offers.

  • 4
    Then you get a new credit card with different ccv and you're screwed 😜
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    LastPass is pretty adequate in its free version IMO.

    There's also things like BitWarden that you can host yourself should you have doubts in someone else storing your encrypted passwords.
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    @halfflat oh yes, for maximum security possible feel free to post it right here, I’m afraid google can read my emails now.
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    rantBait much?
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    I would add my address and mother's name for even stronger password. Oh! And my national registry number as well.
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    I use one password for everything except my email account.

    It's common sense...
    Even when you use unique passwords for each and every site/platform you visit, never forget there is always a password reset option. Majority of those platforms are connected to your personal email account.

    I'll leave the rest for you to digest...
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    @kamen Lastpass = no.
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    @PrivateGER keepass = yes
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    @react-guy Happened twice in a year. :(
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    @uyouthe dude my jumble and unjumble cpp code is far superior that those fucking password managers and that fucking 2 trillion dollar half eaten fruit logo company
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    why not just use 'correcthorsebatterystaple'?
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    @thebiochemic because you’ll have to remember your payment info separately
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    @uyouthe that's a fair point
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    @linus-torvald Nah, I couldn't crack it in 10min and I'm a programmer so it's naive. What would the average Joe do if they forgot their password? The user should be able to access their data even if without the encryption key.
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    I was reading and freaking out! 😱😱😱

    My eyes immediately looked for the tags and saw "joke/meme" 😌😌😌

    Maybe I should add "your tip" to my blog post 🤔😂
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    @rodrigograca31 I allow you to do this as long as you mention me
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    @uyouthe you just want klout! 😛
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    You can only use your full name with the birthday year, using proper capitalization and punctuation. Done, you have a "long" password with numbers and symbols.

    "Full Name Here, 1980."
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