
Web api response with a 200 status code

error: ".......",
errorCode: "..."

Grinds my gears

  • 13
    Let's call it a successful error
  • 1
    Well. That’s the thing!
  • 1
    What if it did work, but there was a error that didn't stop the request from completing?

    Or am I changing my API's to now include warnings with 300's?
  • 6
    @PonySlaystation "Happy little accidents. Let's put a little pipe here and send the exception to /dev/null. Have you ever piped an exception to /dev/null? It's okay. It'll be our little secret"

    -Bob FoSS.
  • 8
    They successfully sent the error. what's the matter with you?
  • 0
    @ComputerToucher 😱😱😱😱
  • 4
  • 1
    we actually have a client that _requires_ this, because they've got a reverse proxy filtering out all non-successful http-codes, because iT MiGhT lEaK DaTa tO An AtTaCkEr.
  • 2
    Failed successful, proceed as normal.
    *cough* graphQL.
  • 1
    @lotd it’s the way it’s gonna be😀
  • 2
    "Task failed successfully"
  • 1
    It is actually not that uncommon. Most login api's will return 200 even when it is a failed login. This includes Google etc.

    That's why I do it also on login, on other occasions I use Bad request though
  • 0
    This topic has passed DevRant quite a few times and there is both no official REST standard and very valid reason to do so. These are hyper text TRANSFER PROTOCOL errors not application error codes @aBrokenDonut provides a valid example. Sometimes the HTTP codes have a meaning in gateway/proxy.
    Sometimes it's very valid application behaviour:
    GET /jobs/12345
    "error": "/bin/bash: file not found"
    "errorCode": 1

    Must send 200 as getting information about the job succeeded but the job itself encountered an application specific error. Is the job did not exist you should get a 404
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