
I really really really need more RAM. 16GB is far from enough. Had to witness the kernel kill all of my Chrome extensions and most of my tabs and an IDE and still it wasn't able to run that container in the 8G RAM it just freed up...

I remember the days when 8G RAM was an overkill.

The times have changed. Now I'm looking into getting a Linux lappy w/ 96GB and still worried whether it'll suffice my needs....

  • 2
    I recently started playing a lot of minecraft. Windows, Firefox and Minecraft were eating most of my 16GB ram. So I said fuck it and got 64GB. Now I am a lot more comfortable. I am also playing with AI shit so that probably helps.
  • 3
    Who was that again who said, that software gets slow quicker, than hardware getting faster.

    I guess it's not that far fetched to say the same about memory consumption.
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    setup swap space

    my install evidently didn't automatically
  • 1
    @jestdotty I have 40 GB swap setup for modded skyrim. A lot of the packs I install are like 250GB in disk space.
  • 1
    @jestdotty I had it enabled, but the slowness is just painful :/
  • 2
    Yeah lol, when I started at my current job, they gave me a refurbished laptop with 8gb ram to work on running Windows 10 and said that should be enough for web dev. It wasn't. They then put in 16gb and it's barely enough. I recently got a new laptop with 16gb ram, i5 processor, running Windows 11 and it's slow as fuck. My personal PC has 32gb ram and I use Ubuntu to do dev work and it's fast enough not to piss me off.

    Don't know why some companies cheap out on hardware for devs. We're just gonna work slower (:
  • 1
    @Demolishun modded Cities Skylines also really needs swap. Last time I ran mine I still had 16gb ram in my gaming PC, had it installed on a HDD and it took nearly 20 minutes to load a fairly populated city LMAO.
  • 3
    idk mate, I run 8gb, works fine for web dev

    no react though or other such bs
  • 4
    Good thing I'm an arcane mother fucker and 4GB is overkill both for work *and* playing Morrowind. Shit, I can even do both things at the same time.
  • 5
    @dissolvedgirl Web devs should have no more than 8GB, an outdated quadcore, and a 2MBit/s connection. That would result in faster websites for everyone.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop I agree. I blame JavaScript lmao.
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