I AM SO ANGRY! Today my job fired me for the stupidest reason!! A while back I lost my job a (non-important) client for having an "overactive temper" so my boss made me begin taking VRTAM (or virtual reality therapy for Anger Management). Well I attended the first couple things but decided to stop because they were definitely stealing my information. I don't know what sketchy website they found for that but as a dev I can tell when they are taking my personal information. Also there's no way it works I attended a couple sessions and nothing helped because I DONT HAVE ANGER ISSUES!!! Anyway my job found out I had been skipping them and when they confronted me they avoided my concerns and just fired me... Haven't told my wife yet, she's going to be so mad.

  • 2
    Fuck these companies.

    They suck. HR suck my dick.

    Get a better job.
  • 3
    Fucking retarded management has no idea how fucking bad dev is in 2024. It is the worst and getting worse everyday.

    Fucking AI can not replace you.
  • 4
    I love how the first person to respond to _this_ rant has the handle Grumpycat
  • 2
    Oh man. I'm sorry to hear about this, unfortunately it will probably be harder to find a job as time progresses due to AI. Make sure to look for options and set up interviews before your wife finds out.

    Good luck man.
  • 0
    Good luck OP
  • 1
    @MammaNeedHummus You know it. I need hummus too!
  • 0
    Sucks you got fired but lol at not completing the anger management class for your work which definitely already has all your info?!

    What did you think was going to happen?
  • 2
    I love the self-flagging stupid people do:

    "as a dev I can tell (...)"

    Worst kind of argument of authority. You can still be right. But even trying to pull off an argument like that is a definite red flag. I might even consider firing you for that.
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