
20 years ago:
Me: Let's be together
Girls in my age: No, i need someone older and more experienced
Me: OK let's be friends

10 years ago:
Me: Let's be together
Girls in my age: You' are a good guy, but i want to travel and party hard, not found a family

Me: ...
Girls in my age: You are super hot, let's fuck right now, you can use every hole, but btw do want more children?
Me: I am not sure about that, i have already been through this and...
Girls in my age: OK bye *this contact has blacklistet you*
Me: OK I dunno maybe I should meet younger woman probably...
Female friends from twenty years ago: You creep! how dare you! Why are man always into young girls!?


  • 3
    20 goes into 60 more times than 60 goes into 20. Older women are lying to themselves.

    Yeah, I cannot imagine navigating this bullshit these days.
  • 5
    This is just what modern "feminism" has brought upon themselves.

    And I don't feel a single bit sorry for them.

    My ex-gf wanted to be a housewife (and I agreed to that) but then she would grind my nerves with feminist bullshit if I were to so much as leave a sock out of a drawer.

    If (as you say) housekeeping is your job (ie, what you provide to the team), then fucking pick up the sock and don't fucking grate me about it all day.

    To add to that, constantly complaining that I don't take her out enough even when I can afford it.

    Do the math with me.

    Just in 2023, one delivery and eating out at some restaurant *per week*

    *Three* vacations.

    5 days in Asturias (Spain), 7 days in London (her first actual journey abroad), and 5 days in Tilburg (NL) complete with tickets to super exclusive concert.

    Also 2 other multi day music festivals, complete with tickets, lodging (because she can't stand sleeping in a camping), and meals.

    And apparently it wasn't enough.
  • 2
    Just dying to hear from her bashing his new boyfriend that barely makes minimum wage (while she still doesn't work) when he isn't up to her retarded standards.

    So yeah, I'm done with them, and I would advise anyone my age to do the same.

    Hook up if you want, sure. At the first mention of any kind of commitment, even if it's paying the dinner bill, I walk out.
  • 1
    Especially if they intend for you to take care of their past "mistakes".

    Sure this seems to happen most in America, but it's creeping into Europe as well.

    I'm 37, and I'm aware that insta-rejecting women with kids severely limits the pool, but I'm OK with that.

    I'm not about to become an ATM for the result of that fling you had during your crazy days.

    I am responsible for myself and I *demand* of any potential couple that they are responsible for themselves too.
  • 4

    He is definitely not incel. He is not saying he wants to be friends *now*. That was 20 years ago because then we are simple and want to keep you around.

    Just like you said older women want to set their expectations earlier because their bioclock is ticking fast and have no time for nonsense, so do us.

    We don't want fucking nonsense, and he is still at a crossroads because "modern" women are not worth shit, and if he happens to cross one that isn't, he'll probably be more successful because the pattern will repeat. "I want someone older and more experienced".

    Has nothing to do with pedos por anything like that.

    Then again, I'm sorry to say, if you are nearing your 40s and your red line is "do you want more kids?", that's reeking of desperation.

    That's not something anyone sensible enough discusses on a first date.
  • 2

    It's not inaction. I'm probably older than you, and have had a couple for longer than you.

    You are in no real position to really teach others, so stop with the patronizing speech.

    I'm most definitely not an incel, and it's not me letting poisonous principles get to me.

    *Women* (note I'm not necessarily including you) have brought this on themselves.

    I just put everything on a scale. Turns out most women are not worth the effort.

    In the business world, no one *ever* would enter a contact (marriage) where you are set up to lose because the other party is actually *rewarded* for breaking it.

    Dunno, call me a mysoginist or whatever, don't really care. The only thing a woman can provide to me right now is sex. And I can get that in a purely transactional manner, and I still think it's for the best. Everyone profits, no bullshit attached. (And before you come with the usual bullshit, no. These women are very handsomely paid and no one forces them to anything)
  • 2
    You are not gonna convince me otherwise. Women brought this on themselves. Now they must learn to cope with it and endure (a very male mindset, oh the irony).

    I would be oh so very happy with an actual housewife (meaning caring for my well-being just as I work my ass off to provide), and I would also be oh so very happy with a strong independent woman that wouldn't complain I don't take her places because she'd be the one taking me.

    Point is, you can't have *everything*. Abide by what you preach.
  • 3
    Yes I am complaining. This is why I log in here. Why would I post something productive or positive on the most toxic page I ever saw? I save those for somewhere else, like, you know, rl. Is it dev related? Yes, because I am a dev, everything I say is dev related (quote by good ol @ostream btw).

    What am I complaining about? Read carefully. I am not complaining about not getting laid. Since my wife left me last year I didn't had to suffer much in this behalf tbh. And if I would pretend to be more open to the possibility of having another child I could fuck every second day a new one without any afford. I swear.
  • 3
    I am complaining for being judged for even the idea of meeting someone below 30 by the very same females who would never date someone in there own age when they where below 30 themselves. I complain about the women without children in my age, who act like their own stereotype and make me sound like an incel, when I just share my experiences with them. I complain, that I want me to be seen and dated as a human being not as a potential sperm donor. Maybe I basically complain for being so asynchronous: I wanted a child and a family so desperately when I was in my early twenities when no one wanted to think about such thing, and now, that I am done with that and a single dad most of the week, everything they care is, if I would impregnate them eventually as well to gather even more responsebillity.

    I am also complaining, that you @jestdotty are a super nasty bitch for calling me a pedo. That's really not funny.
  • 4
    Hi incels. Pro tip: if she doesn’t want to date, go date another one. Easy
    There are a LOT of women out there. All of them are different, surprise surprise
  • 3
    @kiki You have read more of this thread than every fourth word before posting this and do not mean me *) but some imaginary readers, right? Right?


    *) or CoreFusionX, who has admittedly different problems, opinions and povs than me but does as well not complain about not getting chicks. Srsly.
  • 0
    Maybe meet some new women of your age -_-

    Beside I fucked girl who friendzoned me and it was my best shag eva
  • 0
    Now guys the love between women and men should prevail so we can all live happily ever after so yall get along, stop being salty and mean and fix your shit or the field trip to the beach is off.
  • 1
    @horus have you tried senior women? they have a lot of experience and they're gonna die soon so there's less pressure.

    Plus they have money and if you're nice you can do misappropriation of inheritance.

    I started playing ukulele in retirement homes and I have a lot of success.
  • 0
    @mostr4em they are new ones in my age don't worry. But the old ones, which are friends being judgemental.
  • 1
    @horus meh who cares about them. There's nothing wrong in having a sugar mummy.
  • 0
    This rant smells like feet 🦶
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