  • 12
    Even though interpreter also compiles the code before running it? 😆
  • 4
    @arekxv no the interpreter compiles at runtime line for line not before
  • 10
    It's not like there is batch, bash, perl, javascript, vbscript, php or groovy..
  • 4
    But even python has compiled files with .pyc extension.
  • 1
    @Pogromist they (pyc) are not really compiled. They contain so called compiled bytecode". But that isn't the machine code yet.
  • 3
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- @Tobey
    It doesn't matter what the output of compilation is. Whether its bytecode, or runtime JIT compilation. The code HAS to be compiled to be run. The only difference is WHEN the actual code is compiled. Static languages do the compilation first then you just execute the compiled code (or in Java or C#/.NET CLR you execute the compiled bytecode). Dynamic languages do it on-the-fly. ☺
  • 5
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- bytecode IS compiled
  • 1
  • 5
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- from wikipedia: "A compiler is computer software that transforms computer code written in one programming language (the source language) into another programming language (the target language)."

    Bytecode is the target language. In fact, from the wikipedia page for Bytecode: "... [bytecode] encode[s] the result of compiler parsing ..."
  • 2
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- Note that JIT compilers (just-in-time -- the ones you were thinking of which interpret Python bytecode), are still compilers.
  • 2
    Ruby, python, perl, go, Java, and shitload else.
  • 2
    @j4cobgarby You should write an informative rant on that, like my Lua rant
  • 1
    @bahua Golang and Java have compilers.”Go run “ compiles to a temporary folder. And java has the javac compiler
  • 0
    By the way, a language doesn’t *have* to be compiled. Technically you could interpret it character by character, like I’m sure a lot of esolangs do
  • 1
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- then java ain’t compiled?
  • 0
    @-vim- I do not want to give information about topics I am not familiar with myself. :)
  • 0
    A language doesn't *have* to be compiled, by the way. Technically speaking, you could translate it character by character, as I'm sure many esolang speakers do.
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