
Jestdottii is a hottii.

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    I wanted to generate one for everyone automated but i was like.. Meh :P
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    This is me. The mirror in my bedroom disagrees but I never listen to it anyway.
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    Does she have a snapchat?
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    @cafecortado also gpt generated? I've uploaded 140 photo's of myself to a paid LLM and let it train for a hour with 5000 iterations. The results are impressive, but it's just not me.
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    @retoor yes I just wrote a description of my avatar to ChatGPT and that's it.
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    @cafecortado make this AI generate an avatar of me, let's see it.
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    that's me in the corner...
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    @cafecortado no way that you wrote that and that came out. You mean that you uploaded you devrant pic right? Right?
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    @kiki freaking beautiful. Awesome.
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    This is me!
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    Unpopular opinion: we as men, need to understand that this concept of hotty is fake.
    But sure, nice one for the lolz
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    @retoor Those eyes make it look like you speak parseltongue
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    @gitstashio nothing drives me nuttier then women telling each other how hot they are.

    Way to reinforce the value that a woman's looks is her only important quality. I know they're trying to boost self esteem, but I think they're doing more damage than good.
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    @lungdart normally I upvote most things you say but this time I can't. It's just an AI image, c'mon. Don't you think it's a hottii?
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    @retoor yeah it's a hot take. I'm not perfect, but it's where I stand.

    Do me but make me fat and bald with mustard stains!
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    @lungdart lol that's not where the looks = value problem stems from

    plus when I got sick my manchild of a roommate, who was once my boyfriend, ditched me because I wasn't doing his laundry for him anymore and telling him how great his marvel movies are. actually one of the last things he told me, after I was tanning for health reasons, is that my veiny feet looked gross. he was of course full of shit. I'm not unattractive by any means. he never said I was attractive or unattractive before

    anyway now I get pleasure when dudes drop things walking around stores cuz I exist, or old men making wedding bouqette jokes when I got kale in my hands, or that super sincere random guy in the street that stopped me to look me straight in the eyes to tell me I'm beautiful 😋

    fuck the system!

    I once told a girl on the subway she smelled really nice and asked where she got her perfume. she lit up like a Christmas tree. she was hopping with happiness off at her stop. fuck the system!
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    @jestdotty Holy shit your ex made marvel movies?!
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    Generate me. I'm interested now.
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    @jestdotty hell yeah, fuck the system 🤟
    Love your vibes, keep it up darling
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    @Ranchonyx I can't generate an ai bot based on 15 messages.
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    @Ranchonyx oh picture, wait a sec
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    @Ranchonyx your snek has autism.
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    @retoor LOOOL! That's my actual haircut!!
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    @Ranchonyx I know, I thought it funny too, I don't even described it that way. I only said make photorwalistuc photo of man behind desk and the snake should attack him.
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    @cafecortado is your desk a music fan? 🎧
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    @retoor the face someone gets when they've taken too much Ritalin.
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    @Wisecrack In 'Murica you have way better stuff than ritalin.
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