
A young guy I work with burst into tears today, I had no idea what happened so I tried to comfort him and ask what was up.

It appears his main client had gone nuts with him because they wanted him to make an internet toolbar (think Ask.com) and he politely informed them toolbars doesn't really exist anymore and it wouldn't work on things like modern browsers or mobile devices.

Being given a polite but honest opinion was obviously something the client wasn't used to and knowing the guy was a young and fairly inexperienced, they started throwing very personal insults and asking him exactly what he knows about things (a lot more than them).

So being the big, bold, handsome senior developer I am, I immediately phoned the client back and told them to either come speak to me face-to-face and apologise to him in person or we'd terminate there contract with immediate effect. They're coming down tomorrow...

So part my rant, part a rant on behalf of a young developer who did nothing wrong and was treated like shit, I think we've all been there.

We'll see how this goes! Who the hell wants a toolbar anyway?!

  • 723
    Thanks for standing up for the little guys!
  • 494
    +1 for big bold handsome sr dev
  • 175
    Thanks for that . Would have given double ++ if possible.Keep us updated tomorrow.
  • 60
    Hats off to you! Tell us how it goes right after the meeting! 😀
  • 53
    I'm looking forward to read tomorrows update
  • 33
    I too am looking forward to the update
  • 34
    Kick his ass, seabass!
  • 31
    This world needs more people like you
  • 92
    That's exactly the sort of behaviour you'd expect from people wanting toolbars, root kits and other malware.

    I've been fantasising about torpedoing one of Larry Ellisons yacht as payback for Oracle's attempts to force Ask Toolbar on unsuspecting people installing Java JRE.
  • 166
    Big thanks to everyone who's already become involved in this rant! I'm going to actually show the guy this post tomorrow just so he can see how many people are on his side and that he did nothing wrong, he was terrified he'd messed up (obviously he hadn't at all). I'll be writing another reply to this rant tomorrow to update. Any encouraging words for him in the replies would be greatly appreciated!
  • 16
    There's some about about leaves and books about here somewhere. I'd love to be a part of your team.
  • 20
    Nice work! Not many people would do what you did. Congrats.
  • 44
    Please thank him from me. I've had to help quite a few toolbar victims getting rid of those evil add-ons through the years. Anyone who tells their clients to refrain from peddling toolbars deserves cred - big time.

    Also, he's saving an ungrateful client from a lot of toolbar caused badwill. They should appreciate that.
  • 59
    @peaam Hello there, young guy, what you did was awesome; letting the client know what he really needs and what he really _doesn't_ need is a sign of a mature developer. You did great! Sometimes, clients just don't get it. You did your part and that's what matters. Stick with @peaam. I don't know him but I can safely assume that people like him aren't generally found on the planet. It's hard to find a senior who'll get your back like this and don't give a flying fuck to the client when the client crosses the line. Hope to see you up the ladder real quick real fast! Cheers!
  • 39
    The moral of this story is clients can be real asshats.
  • 13
    super awesome, really looking forward to tomorrow's update
  • 22
    A true mentor. Very cool of you, looking forward to the update tomorrow.
  • 11
    👏 👏 👏
  • 8
    You are awesome for that!
  • 8
  • 7
    looking forward
  • 11
    hope i eventually have a senior as awesome as you!!!
  • 9
    wow, keep us posted pls!
  • 11
    You deserve a cookie mate 👍
  • 7
    You're a really good person 😄
  • 27
    About to go to bed and all i can say is you've restored my faith in humanity for the next few days. :-) Can't believe some clients/people are so disrespectful - it's terrible!
  • 8
    leaving this for part 2.
  • 6
    Good job mate! Looking forward to the update!
  • 6
    That's how it's done! congrats.
  • 6
  • 9
    As a soon-to-be uni graduate, and in behalf of my classmates, We salute thee
  • 6
    High five to you for a great move :)
    And now... We wanna know the outcome!!!!!
  • 7
    I want a toolbars ... I don't know what I want it to do... But I want one!
  • 5
  • 11
    Please keep us informed and introduce him to this community so he can rant the shit out of those shitheads and have a giod laugh from time to time
  • 21
    What do we want? Toolbars! Why do we want them? Only god knows! When do we want them? Yesterday!
  • 12
    @donkeyScript more like 10 years ago :P
  • 6
  • 205
    1/4 - Wow, I was not expecting the response this rant's received. A very big thank you to everyone who contributed, you've made a big difference in the last 24 hours.

    This morning I took our guy aside to show him devRant and this post, to put it mildly, he was very taken by all the support on here. To make it easier I will call our guy Tom (not his real name). Also, the client was a company, not just one person.

    So there was a meeting scheduled for 12pm today (BST) and the guy from the client company was coming down to speak to me in person about what happened yesterday. Tom was still very upset this morning so we spent the first hour scrolling through devRant and reading a lot of rants (thanks guys!).

    The plan was at 12pm I'd meet the guy from the client company, take him into an office and get his side of the story and explain Tom's side before taking things further.
  • 272
    2/4 - 12pm came and went, 12:15pm nothing, by 12:30pm I was furious and about to call him when the receptionist told us he was in the building. I went down to meet a woman, this wasn't right, I'd heard it was a man that had shouted at Tom. She introduced herself as the CEO of client company and wanted to speak to Tom and myself together.

    We went to an office and before I could start, Tom received the biggest apology I've ever seen. The reason the CEO was late was she'd stopped off to buy him a brand-new iPhone and MacBook Pro.

    The guy who worked at the client company and shouted at Tom was overheard by somebody in his own office. It appears the guy was already on his final warning and, as of this morning, has been sacked. He'd treated other people very badly in the past and he was reported yesterday by one of his own colleagues for how he'd spoken to Tom.
  • 236
    3/4 - It's hard to explain exactly what was said to yesterday because I want to avoid specifics, I'm sure a lot of people would say that these things happen all the time but the comments the guy made yesterday were incredibly personal about Tom and completely unacceptable for anyone.

    We spoke to the CEO for about 2 hours and she made it clear that she was on Tom's side as much as we were. She has already found someone to take over the sacked guy's role and wants Tom to continue working with her company with a much nicer replacement.

    I cannot thank devRant enough, I was furious last night when I wrote this rant and pretty much instantly got amazing feedback. This is my first rant to hit 175 +1s so I'm donating my stress ball to Tom and also getting him a t-shirt. Tom made a devRant account today, hopefully he can post some amazing content one day and get me a ball in return!
  • 289
    4/4 - Tom (a very positive guy) was so unhappy and worried last night that he was going to quit his job today, tonight he's happier than I've ever seen him.

    Gals, guys, commenters, +1ers and everyone who finds this rant in the future, I thank and salute you all!
  • 61
    Tom is a kickass. @peaam is a kicksss-er, devRant community is kickass-est.
  • 22
    What a great ending, thanks for sharing..... Say hi to Tom from Denmark :-)
  • 22
    its good to know that the guy that yelled at Tom was sacked. no one deserves to be yelled at like that.
  • 17
    Two words: Pure bliss!
  • 17
    Now thats definitely a story to remember. I guess good things happen to good people 👍
  • 11
    This is a such a great turn of events. Happy for Tom!!!!
  • 7
    so awesome!
  • 6
    Good stuff! Glad it all worked out for Tom
  • 26
    This is wonderful to hear. It's not everyday that the CEO herself visits, sits, and talks about problems with employees under her. Kudos not only to you and Tom but also for the CEO.
  • 7
    this is amazing... please tell tom to say hi on this rant :)
  • 20
    I almost shed a tear for Tom!
    Welcome to devRand, bro.
    DevRant: slowly making the dev world a better place :)
  • 5
    great story!
  • 19
    Actually this is the first rant near the top of devRant all-time posts. Everything else is just jokes. This is going the right way.
  • 7
    Fantastic!!! Instant karma... almost!
  • 6
  • 14
    this rant is beautiful and is going in my favorites. it's also the first legit rant to make it. good on you :')
  • 6
    Woah. Did not expect that scenario to happen, but I'm super happy that it all worked out! 🎉🎁
  • 9
    @peaam Great to know there are seniors like you out there! My best wishes to you and Tom!
  • 5
    Wow, that's amazing to hear :) Good to see in the end it all worked out
  • 5
    Give him the stressball.
  • 42
    As a dev who also has to be the project manager for 20+ sites @ once, I understand this 100%. We get SO many rude ass clients who ask for the world/ near impossible and expect to not pay extra or to have it done in extremely unrealistic time frames. No matter how polite you are or how hard you try to explain that it won't work, it will cost more, etc., some clients just don't frikon get it and snap on/berate you. Sometimes I honestly feel bullied, and will turn my phone and email off towards the 2nd half of the day. I have been so upset to point of panic attacks and dreading work each morning.

    I can't wait until the day when we have project managers and I can just code and not deal with clients and their nasty attitudes anymore.

    This jr developer is VERY lucky to have someone like you step in. Clients forget we're the professionals and know what we're talking about. We're real people with feelings too and need to be treated with respect and kindness. ASSHAT CLIENTS. 🙄😡🖕🏻
  • 29
    Hopefully this didn't sound like a personal pity party for me, I just relate to this rant so much and know how he must have felt. I'm glad Tom was apologized to by the CEO and that DevRant made him feel better. I do think that there should be policies in place everywhere to protect us from and allow us to terminate clients who are vulgar and inappropriately rude.
  • 13
    This is probably the only time I've gone through comments and found them to be better than the actual post itself.. You threatened termination of contract being a senior developer?
  • 13
    @peaam you literally brought tears to my eyes
  • 13
    I know I'm late to the party, but just wanted to give my 2 cents.

    Sometimes clients can be asshats!Sometimes clients can be awesome. I happy to read the original asshat was fired, I'm also very happy for Tom!

    This is a fantastic community! Thanks for being part of it everyone. You all are what make DevRant so awesome!
  • 10
    Faith in humanity restored!
    Kudos to @peaam for standing up for your colleague like that!
  • 9
    Best rant that I have read by far, thanks for sharing this story that reminds us all that for aslong as there are bad people, there will always be amazing people like you to stand up against them.
  • 11
    Just awesome! I remember when a senior dev stood up for me when I was young. It meant so much. I look forward to paying it forward one day.
  • 6
    R. E. S. P. E. C. T. 👏
  • 14
    Wow. This has been an absolute joy to read! DevRant community, you rock! Never before have I seen a group of devs do something so brilliant. Congrats to you OP, Tom and the CEO!
  • 10
    Faith in humanity completely restored. Kudos to you sir.
  • 7
    Thanks for sharing both the original rant and the follow-up!

    Like others, it made my eyes wet. What a happy ending (except for that rude guy @ the client's - I hope he gets himself some anger management).
  • 4
    Lolix thats hard 😅
  • 9
    @peaam fuckin goose bumps dude, great job!!
  • 16
    As a young Dev, it's nice to know there are Sr devs out there like this. My Sr dev did something similar for me once. Was getting yelled at by an angry client who refused to listen to anything. Sr dev hung up on him, rejected his next phone call, then called him back and told him he would either listen or figure it out himself. Needless to say, Sr dev had my back. Keep kicking ass, OP!!!
  • 19
    We as developers should stand together more often.

    Amazing things happen when we stop attacking each other.
  • 7
  • 9
    This is why we can't have nice things...

    Until you came along and decided to set him straight. Props to you.
  • 5
    Thought you could charge extra for toolbars these days, given their rarity...
  • 5
    Yep you can expect anything from clients , some people still live in the Savana and the Amazon, but in your case i think you are dealing with some Inka clan kkk
  • 6
    This rant really makes me not scared about going into the workforce anymore, if a lot of devs were like the op I bet my internship would've been a little better but regardless, I am really glad "Tom" got treated so nicely, well deserved on him.
  • 5
    Tom we love you!
  • 8
    So much better than Twilight.
  • 5
    Great to hear the rest of this story on the podcast today, cause if it's in the comments, it has drowned. :)
  • 4
    Respect, sir!
  • 4
    Hooray for making the podcast!
  • 4
    This appeals to me on so many levels, well done to @peeam for getting the job sorted and looking after Tom. Also well that ends well!!!
  • 4
    As a junior dev... Great job both of you!!!
  • 6
    Got to this post from Podcast and just dropped by to say, "Appreciate you for standing up for your Junior :)" Also, "Cheers to Tom on his new Mac Pro"
    Devs/Seniors like you and CEO like your client's, restore my faith in unbiased and rationale leadership. Thank you :D
  • 4
    It is very rare to wake up and read such touching and bold stories.even more rare to find genuine people in this planet who are well aware of what common sense entails. You, the client, and Tom are awesome.
    I'll drink to that!
  • 7
    I'm seriously tearing up as we speak
  • 3
    I feel like this deserves more upvotes.
  • 3
    @ishanmarikar even more. This is at least 5% of the community.
  • 2
    Tell your guy to beware of @Laurens, he's really into toolbars! :D
  • 5
    Damn i wish i had seen this rant when it was originally posted.
    Great story, Hope I never have to work with a client like that (in the future of course, still a student)
  • 4
    Really inspiring post. I wish i had a senior like this back in the days. But no instead my seniors where the ones yelling at me. First job didn't last long
  • 3
    Good Job!
  • 2
    Hi handsome sr dev!
  • 5
    This rant hit 1k upvotes. Give this man a cookie cake, because one cookie is just not enough!!!
  • 2
    Congrats! Awesome story! 🤣
  • 2
    Awesome! Good to know people like you exist!
  • 4
    I'm new to devRant and just found this and I'd like to say thank you for standing up for us small guys. You sir are a hero!
  • 2
    I respect you very much because of this. Glad that you were able to do that without repercussions for you and the company you are all in.
  • 2
    You're a good guy, peaam :)
  • 1
    Time to overfacturate.
  • 1
    You're so wroonggg brooo tooolbarz please they're AWESOME bcauze u get to google, to bing, to bing with google it's gr8!

    On a serious note, I am sorry for what happened to that man. I know it isn't something extremely heartbreaking, but getting treated so shit while you're trying to do your best can really set you low, especially when it involves something you like so dearly.
  • 2
    Only product owners who don't know wth they are doing would ask for a toolbar. They're probably the ones who ask how their site looks on IE8 as well
  • 1
    Those clients should at least try to understand what he was trying to say before judging him due to lack of experience.
  • 1
    Salute to you, Sir.
  • 1
    Way to go OP!!!
  • 1
    You have my fiath restored for humanity! Thank you for shaeing! :D
  • 1
    @Grumpy doesn't it only get installed when you check agree or hit agree though? You could say it's the user's fault for not reading the installer but I know they have been sneaky with the button setup where you might need to click on decline to continue without the third party software which would exit any other installer
  • 1
    Hope Tom likes Mac.
  • 1
    My manager was a marketing manager. I pointed out issues with an API i was integrating into with the company. He phoned them and states I'm a junior struggling with their system.

    Will I wasn't i followed documentation and their was a bloody bug which their actually admitted too. Wish i had someone their backing me up in the company
  • 1
    Thank you! I wish more higher ups were like you. :/
  • 1
    Tom needs serious mental Coaching
  • 2
    I hope Tom can stand my boring ass attitude
  • 1
    Just this post have ```me["++"]*5``` ++s 😐
  • 2
    @peaam the world can always use more people like you
    And this community is the best ever, nothing but friendly and helpful people here, loving it!

    You'll stay in Tom's memory for sure
    I wish you both some happy coding hours ;D
  • 2
    I would be fired fired if I ever made a client mad, regardleas of who is at fault... Now I wanna cry...
  • 1
    @cyberlord64 welcome to devrant.
    Rant about your problems, it'll make I better, even if it's just slightly
  • 2
    @peaam this gave me goose bumps.
  • 2
    I am from Spain, here we are treat like shit, at less is what look like... ++ for the support the begginers like me.
  • 1
    "who the hell wants a toolbar anyway?"
    Evil people who haz no soul...
  • 1
    Sounds like a guy who deserves to have BonziBuddy installed on his workstation (and it probably is...).
  • 1
    @bdhobare * +=2
  • 1
  • 1
    Damn thats a great story. Sincere problems and real life. Thanks for sharing.
  • 1
    I was the 2.1k ++ 😜

    Btw, true. Toolbars are like windows NT 98, no one wants anymore and no one wants to build them anymore.
  • 1
    Boom! There it is! 😁
  • 4
    My experience was a client wanted their data download in csv as pdf.

    Like why. Are they going to print it
  • 2
    This rant is more than a year old now
  • 4
    You. I like you. People need to learn how to treat other like people, not tools, and this is a great example.
  • 1
    I only comment here that U get notified 😂😂😂
  • 2
  • 1
    Thank u
  • 1
  • 3
    Thats a really nice thing someone would do for a youner colleague. Kudos..!
  • 1
    You did the right thing here, he did nothing wrong
  • 1
    The hero we deserve
  • 1
    I remember back when toolbars were a thing, and whenever you'd install something, you'd have to make sure to uncheck any checkboxes other avoid installing a new toolbar 😅
  • 1
    I love this and that you put your team above a client for the right reasons.
  • 1
    I like me a good toolbar. How else am I supposed to get to the Googles?! /s
  • 1
    Toolbars in 2016, lul
  • 2
    I hate it when I'm helping people with their 20 year old computers, getting rid of all the fucking crap they have installed and then when it's cleaner and it still runs like shit they start insulting me that I "broke their computer" and "I know nothing". Hurts every time.
  • 0
    That was very nice of you!
  • 0
    Interestingly, this is not that uncommon in businesses these days.
  • 0
    Good man
  • 0
    Sounds like a fairly terrible client, but there are at least two sides to any professional interaction and crying doesn't have a place in any of them.
  • 0
    no doubt he's not responsible for this.......sad for freshers............................................
  • 1
    If you can drop that client like a stone. I only work with people are nice and understand reality these days. All others are not worth my time.
  • 1

    He can't quit his job every time he bumps into an asshat. He'll have to toughen up a bit and learn how to handle them. He should remember that he is the expert in the field, not them. If they knew what the knows they wouldn't need him and that makes him powerful.
  • 0

    To be fair she sounds like a great CEO!
  • 1
    Good for you! Thanks for standing up for the young developers. :)
  • 0
    If Facebook is joining the dating app market 6 years after Tinder, these gentlemen should have their brand new toolbar and you should be fine with it. You guys are not here to ask silly questions.

    I hope it will feature useful integrations with Yahoo search bar and MSN Messenger, too.


    •?((¯°·._.• h¥ρ€я •._.·°¯))؟•
  • 0
  • 0

    This is an amazing story. If you were in my team, I would have nicknamed you Captain America for watching Tom's back.

    I am sure your workplace is a great place that gives you courage to stand up against your main client for your team mates.
  • 0
    Senõr Developer
  • 0
    Best thread I've ever read. Period.
  • 0
    Great job, ¿Since when are toolbars wanted?
  • 0
    we need more seniors like you! this is great example of leader and it is comforting and feels great to read that young padawan dev has someone watching his back!
  • 0
    every hero not wear capes.
  • 0
    Your fellow dev is fortunate to have you stand up for them. /raises a cup of coffee to ya.

    Sometimes it pays to fire a crappy client.
  • 0
    @peaam First rant to get 3000++! :D
  • 1
    A day, I've got a client like that. He's not my client anymore, I've said the truth, that I don't want this kind of client. I have more and more intelligent and polite clients now. So If they're not happy, they can take their *** and get out.

  • 2
    This world really needs more people like you!
  • 0
    More people like you please!
  • 0
    This is PURE W H O L E S O M E

    Purest form of wholesomeness.
  • 1
    You're two awesome! I'm kinda wanted to join this legit teammates! Love for y'all.
  • 1
    I am for establishing death penalty for that kind of clients.
  • 0
    It's awesome that there are senior devs like you who are willing to stand up for their coworkers.
  • 0
  • 0
    Take my ++. i respect that you stood up for your fellow worker, I'm yet to be in that Junior Position myself :D
  • 0
  • 0
    You did more than right, we are developers and customers, market not lacking for us, we do not have to subject us (in fact no one is...) to these types of behavior, mainly tolerate this kind of behavior with the less experienced. Regardless of the beginners talk some nonsense or wrong, we must always be patient and treat them with greater education possible.

    Today you teach someone, tomorrow you can learn from someone, nobody knows everything and we all have a lot to teach and share.

    Thank you for your honorable attitude with our fellow professionals.
  • 0
    Your rant became famous xD
  • 1
    This made my day. You must be an awesome boss.
  • 0
    This made my day. https://www.19216801.page/
  • 0
    I want to see his ass getting kicked, props to you man!
  • 0
    When did toolbars go out of style? I must have missed this while searching for Clip Art to put on my website?!

  • 0
  • 0
    This one is for all of us that were in Tom's shoes at some point in our lives!!
  • 0
    OMG... I'm feeling bad for him
  • 0
    Massive respect for you. Well done for sticking up for your colleague like that. Nobody deserves to be spoken to in such a way. I look forward to hearing an update because I imagine the client's behaviour in person will be very different from how they behaved on the phone.
  • 0
    wow, wish i had someone to fight for me
  • 0
    You should make him a toolbar, just as a punishment for being such a jerk. After all having a toolbar these days would be the biggest punishment anyone can get.
  • -1
    very impressive :) Login https://19216811.biz/192-168-0-1/
  • 0
    It's sad that companies treat programmers. They don't want to listen to them because they think they know what's happening and it's not true.
  • 0
    Wish there were more people like you at my company, you sound like a pretty awesome person!
  • 2
    I worked with a VP known to throw tantrums and make developers cry. He was a psychopath, skilled at isolating people and making them vulnerable before making them responsible for his bad decisions.

    I'm as easily intimidated as the next guy, maybe more so. It took a while but after a few months on the receiving end I got mad and went after him. I didn't get him fired, but I know I helped.

    Being the naive person I was, I stuck up for my manager while she was stabbing me in the back according to his instructions. I went after her, too. I took a ton of documentation to HR and helped her on her way out the door too.

    I left a year later after things improved. I should have done so sooner, but they had succeeded in making me insecure about my own skills. Funny how after they were both gone I became a good developer again.

    The moral: Developers solve problems. Don't be the problem. And stick together. When they come after one of us they come after us all. Bring it. We'll solve you too.
  • 0
    This is one thing I am worried about when I get my first job as I wouldn't know how much authority i have in talking back to the other person :/
  • 0
    @jirubizu I don't see it as authority to talk back. It's the authority to decide how people may speak to you and treat you. It's not that I recommend being extremely oversensitive our touchy. But if someone is persistently rude or disrespectful you have to stand your ground. The same goes if they try to play games like making bad decisions and holding you accountable.

    Don't get me wrong - if you stand up for yourself you can lose your job. But in that situation it's vital to realize that there are other jobs. You can give a place the opportunity to improve, but if it doesn't then you don't want to waste too much time waiting for it to get better.

    There's room to be subordinate and respectful while requiring others to show us a reasonable degree of respect.
  • 0
    you..! you just made my day!
  • 0
    IT is a tough world to step into, and young developers often doubt their own abilities when facing complex scenario / complex chats... and they shouldn't! Mistakes are part of life anyway!
    I have to say, I'm quite impressed you told the client that you would terminate the contract. Not sure if any of my boss (previous or present) would do that for any employee..

    Brave man ! 👏🏼
  • 0
    Hats off !!!
  • 0
    I find throwing glitter in the air and whispering magic covers most all bases with clients.
  • 0
    We need more people like you. +1
  • 1
    Horyy Sheet..

    ++ For TOM!!

    ++ For the handsomely dev stands up for TOM

    -- For the sacked guy.
  • 1
    You're a hero dude! So glad there are still people like you around, also...f$%k that client!
  • 2
    Loved this rant and the comments! As a junior developer, being told you don't know enough is what impostor nightmares are made of! This was such a reassuring post.
  • 0
    that's a bold (and great) move in exchange of a contract or work. kudos to you! not all would be developers has mentor(s) like you. some are so douche, that they (senior devs) are the one apologizing for the inexperience of their teammates even if the client's rants or comments are way out of line.
  • 0
    Your a BRAVE DEV
  • 0
    You're getting karma points for this. Good on you!
  • 0
    As we can see Tom is a man of reality, and that dickass who shouted at Tom clearly has no sense of reality.
  • 0
    Customers can be real dicks ...
  • 0
    Good on you for standing up to the client!
  • 0
    Good job op hang in there tom!
  • 0
    Good job! What about the aftermath?What happend?
  • 0
    ++ to you both! What a great rant! :)
  • 0
    we need more of you in this world <3
  • 1
    Wow, I wish I have a senior like you..
  • 1
    Poor guy. It's sad to see someone so enthusiastic about their job being put down by horrible clients.

    Fortunately, I'm in the position where there is a manager sandwiched in between me and the client. I've heard horror stories of clients having slack access 🤯
  • -1
    Jared: If you keep screaming your name, it forces the assailant to acknowledge you as a human.
  • 0
    Props to you. Their money ain't green enough!
  • 1
    It's probably the same people who want Java Applets.
  • 0
    Finally found the finale. That was amazing, rare, and inspiring. Completely awesome how you stood up for Tom and how the company's CEO did the right thing.

    It will be a turning point in Tom's and your career (yours in leadership and mentorship, Tom's in faith in his peers/boss).

    I teared up with the others.
  • 0
    So good to hear you stood up for him. More people need to follow that example.
  • 1
    There are probably hundreds of similar comments but thank you for standing up. Great Job
  • 1
    3 years is quite old, but this rant deserves all the comments and ++ it got. As someone who was fired after an idiot client shouted at me, I wish my coworkers at the time were more like you. You are a hero.
  • 1
    When your clients come tell them: "You might not know Salim, but he said fuck you."
  • 0
    Thank you Sir.

    Just telling from phone is not enough, face to face >:-(
  • 0
    What a touching story! In place of a young colleague, I would idolize you!
  • 0
  • 0
    There are cool client's, and thera are 'that' clients, grumpy fckin business guys who think they ate every brain out in entire universe.
  • 0
    Nice, it happens to many devs, The client expectations some time are unreal and unachievable
  • 1
    How did I found this rant just now. Props to you to stand up for that guy :)
  • 1
    @Rhysc7 fagit
  • 2
    The Customer is Not Always Right!!!
  • 2
    Thanks for doing that. I wish I'll have that kind of senior. The universe will bless you with easy bugs.
  • 1
  • 0
    I dont understand bcs i am the guy who use printf debug style.
  • 0
    That's wassup!
  • 0
    this is life dear.........
  • 0
    this kind of stuff happens often!
  • 0
    @BlueWilson My man... you wouldn't believe the mileage the company gets from our squad of cobol, visual basic and natural devs. I swear you can hear the sales team moan from the 14th floor when they get a call about legacy software
  • 0
    Fake :P
  • 0
    Thanks for that .
  • 0
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  • 0
    You, sir, have my respect. A boss / colleague I'd trully love to have!
  • 1
    Thanks for standing up for the junior developer ...
    A lot of clients are fond of underestimating Junior devs 👊👊👊
  • 0
    Really great job
  • 0
    Waiting for update. ^_^
  • 1
    Crystal Fair
  • 0
    Very true, toolbars suck. Not worth getting yelled at though.
  • 0
    i thinks its ok
  • 0
    Tell the f-n client to SOD off! They probably still think the world uses AOL and f-n dialup as well...
  • 0
    Hi dear friends
  • 0
    Hi dear friends
  • 0
    I here by award you legendary status.
  • 0
    Fire the client!
  • 0
  • 1
    It's great to see how experienced developers like you stand up for newbies !
  • 1
    This is the most wholesome thing I have heard. Your the man bro
  • 1
  • 0
  • 0
    Do give us a detailed account of your tomorrow meeting with that shitty client!
  • 1
    Browser toolbars. No sane computer users wanted them. Many people have them back in the days because they were installed without permission. I call them malwares.
  • 0
    Good one.
  • 0
    Good work.
  • 1
    You go man!
  • 3
    This is the best rant I’ve read in a long time
  • 1
    I fucking wish I had you as my mentor :(.
  • 0
    very nice
  • 1
    It's refreshing to read about a boss that actually gives a shit about his crew and not just dollar bills. People like you attract loyalty. I commend you.
  • 1
    Nicely done. Its good someone like you is around. waiting for tommorows update,
  • 1
    Aw man, this breaks my heart. We need more people like you in this world, OP. I'm so deathly afraid of what challenges I will face once I graduate, but knowing people like you exists gives me comfort.
  • 1
    @energy-vampire Hmmm, ya know, i'm new here and just realized this whole rant is from 4 years ago! LOL
  • 0
    Such disrespect for toolbars! Just kidding :D Nicely done. Being a junior dev I’ve been exposed to similar situations (although not that bad) and would appreciate a senior stepping in like that but unfortunately don’t really have someone like that in my company as they’ve pretty much hired only juniors. I’m thankful they hired me as a junior but am missing that experience from a more seasoned dev :-/
  • 0
    Great Work, Hats off to you
  • 0
    My greatest respect @peaam for defending and strengthening your guy. The same for the CEO who kicked that asshole out and came together with you two to personally apologize for his behavior and to heal the situation with a very sympathetic gesture. I hope that "Tom" is still fine and that he became a experienced, skilled and valuable developer.

    Speaking about the guy who insulted Tom: I hope he will go to a hell where he is forced to use a PC with an IE8 and a shitload of freaking toolbars he cannot uninstall for eternity. This is the kind of "clients" where I make very clear to them that they are actually on the wrong end of the line to come up with such stupid demands and behavior.

    There is that saying that money does not stink, but that's a very poor explanation for someone who tries to bother me with shit. :-)
  • 0
    I see some people still use Windows XP
  • 1
    @Grumpy Let's not forget Adobe bundling McAfee's digital abortion with Acrobat.
  • 1
    @peaam This story literally brought a tear to my eye and warmed my cynical, cold and dark 20+ year veteran engineer heart. Thank you.
  • 0
    Very well done, you big, bold, handsome senior developer. Kudos!
    Many times a client comes up with unrealistic expectations that leave the team baffled. The juniors are obviously scared to fight back because they think they will lose the client but losing a client who is not ready to listen to the team's feedback is not really a loss.
    Even at tecHindustan, we value our employees just like we value our clients.
    Keep up the great work, Peaam!
  • 0
    You are so handsome part-time. awesome
  • 0
    Why this is always on the top
  • 0
    It's hard for interns or inexperienced employees to deal with customers like this and easily could turn into a bad memory for them! Some might quit 'cause they can't handle it. He's lucky to have you
  • 0
    @whatsgaming have you joined yesterday?
  • 0
    @binarybaba Yupp, im stuck in giant spaghetti where everything breaks down like a domino when you add a fuckin checkbox, i found pile of hidden bugs of previous dev, and i have feature request where every bug is revealing now and im stuck at weekend fixing not mine business. Noone stands by me to say that it needs giant refactor before proceeding to develop new feature, or that new feature will take 2 times longer than expected. Instead im having calls with client and i need to eat ton of shit from them.
  • 0
    Respect +++
  • 0
    Bringing a person to tears is awful.
  • 0
    I can't wait to know what happens when he comes down :)
  • 0
    @abishekg Pta nahi kya hua hoga
  • 0
    Thank you
  • 0
    Cool ideas, I like it!
  • 0
  • 0
    Tech Roadmap will give the roadmap of technology, technology includes Programming Language, Framework &amp; Developer.
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  • 1
    Oh my... That is the job for strong people. I am surprised at the number of inadequate persons
  • 0
    This kind of stuff happens all too often. Good man.
  • 0
    You're my hero
  • 0
    @peaam, you are one hell of a kickass senior dev!

  • 1
    handsome ++ after standing up for your fellow dev
  • 0
    Woah. I'm super happy that it all worked out!
  • 0
  • 0
    Good man, I love
  • 17
    Great work man
  • 1
    Thanks for sharing wonderful
  • 0
    This kind of stuff happens all too often. Good man.
  • 0
  • 1
    Thanks for the advice
  • 0
  • 0
    Ohm, maybe you can make a chrome addon and charge them a fortune.
  • 1
    Supper, you are awesome!
  • 1
    I don't know who you are, or which company you work for. But trust me you have my greatest respect. In today's times where these big IT companies demotivate and demoralize people by saying that they're replaceable and are treated like sh!t, the IT world needs more people like you who would stand up to these morons and show who's the real boss - us developers who work day and night to complete the whimsical demands of the clients.
  • 0
    thank you for your service
  • 0
    "Take the toolbar................................................................................................................................................................................................................................and shove it down in the client's candy a**"
  • 0
    @peaam Having been on devRant just a few weeks, finally reading this, and having already been a true believer in the power of complain/support/overcome, I’m gonna add a “Wow”. Just freaking awesome. Worker solidarity and human decency. I just might have to allow my hardened steel case of cynicism to fissure just a scoach. Thanks for putting this out there. Huzzahs all around.
  • 2
    Came back to devrant for the first time in a while after remembering devDucks. Toolbars... 🥶 what year is this? But thanks for making this post a good one to come back to :)
  • 1
    great job...someone has to stand up and support the newbies against any wrongdoings
  • 1
  • 0
    not all heroes wear cap!!
  • 0
    Thank you. It was useful information )
  • 1
    When you see developers helping each other, its an amazing feeling because usually we don't get along with each other.
  • 0
    Thanks for info
  • 0
    so according to myself I am a communism
  • 0
    Such a great thing to read, been working at a job for 2 months and got chewed out by a ceo because in peice of font size was not consistent. I'm leaving that job. Great job as the leader you are.
  • 0
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    you gotta get him on this website this is the best thing that's happened to me in the past month
  • 0
    tools want toolbars
  • 0
    That's good management right there, the kind of company developers want to work for.
  • 0
    That's so wholesome! THERE IS HOPE
  • 1
    I still come here once in a while to read.
    It’s uplifting
  • 0
    I think he should have focused on his payment and built their damn toolbar and moved on.
  • 0
    Every toolbar I've ever had installed has been through accidental inclusion in a software installation. Name one person on the face of this earth that wants a toolbar haha.
  • 0
    people like you are why a lot people like him exists. Congrats!
  • 0
  • 0
    Awesome story, thank you for sharing!
  • 1
    Amazing behavior.
    I developed a toolbar once for a huge European insurance company. It was a small js file to write and it can monitor the whole navigation the user do and send request to servers. Rip privacy.
  • 0
  • 0
    Thanks for that .
  • 1
    This is fantastic! thank you for standing up for the juniors! good job! you will go far in your leadership

    I can assure you that!
  • 1
    How good that this guy has such a mentor as you! Unfortunately, sometimes clients cross the line and refuse to hear the truth.
  • 0
    "toolbars doesn't really exist anymore"

    We have something called "browser extensions". He might want to make some of those.
  • 1
    This is the reason I want to be successful. So I can standup for others like what you did.
  • -1
  • 1
    Six years later, and this is still the most amazing rant on here!

    You're an amazing human being, and the world needs more of you and the CEO of the client company!
  • 0
    Good to know that it all worked out for Tom
  • 0
  • 0
    There are very few such people who stand up for justice. Unfortunately ...
  • 0
  • 0
    And they also say that the customer is always right...
  • 0
    Chad energy
  • 0
    @peaam fun fact:

    this has been the first rant I've read here.
    you made my day that time. and you still do.
  • 0
    ++ we need more
  • 1
    Thanks for that!
  • 0
    @Sarraf No one cares, spammer.
  • 0
    To the young and foolish,

    I'll take all your intelligent clients. You can keep your arrogant employees and the way you talk, by the way, makes you sound like a full on queer, Mrs. Handsome.

    Clients are always right, foolish ones

    Please email me the clients info so I can help them get a toolbar aka NAV BAR.
  • 1
    Client always right, just give him a simple HTML with toolbar design...
  • 0
    Very Special Post.
  • 0
    I am a beginner in this field and all i need is this community guidance to help me grow, I have posted a rant story you can view my story from the below link:

  • 0
    I feel for that guy because even after years I feel like that guy put there in front of idiots.

    I explicitly asked to wherever I work to not make me do public relationship/consulting/PM because I don't tolerate people.

    But they seems to keep putting me to it.

    I don't understand people.

    You explicitly tell them you're shit at doing PR and they put you back to it.

    The bright side is that this will make up his bones for future idiots.
  • 0
    @boatrightemma "I was fortunate to have contacted […]"

    And we are unfortunate to be spamemd by you.

    Get lost.
  • 0
    good job
  • 0
    @BeckyRolland Hey spammer, I have a better idea for you.

    Go fsck yourself.
  • 0
    Wow, if ever I make it into the industry, I hope I can work with a senior like you
  • 0
    @micahgreene452 Hi, spammer.

    Do everyone here a favour and kindly go fsck yourself.

    Thank you very, very much.
  • 0
  • -1
    A friend then recommended "**RECOVERYCOINGROUP AT GMAIL DOT COM**" who helped recover all my money and then brought down the website so they'll not be able to scam someone else.
  • 0
  • 0
    That’s awful. Good on you for stepping in and standing up for your colleague. Clients can be so unreasonable sometimes, especially when they don’t understand the tech.
  • -1
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  • 0
    Huge props for that.
  • 0
    Wow, kudos to you for stepping in! It's moments like these that show how important it is to have supportive teammates, especially when clients can be unreasonable. Your actions not only boosted your colleague's morale but also set a strong example for everyone on how to deal with difficult situations professionally. It's great to see people looking out for each other in the tech world!
  • 0
    lol let them waste their money on a toolbar 🤷‍♂️ sounds like a product problem to me!
  • 0
    I am still trying to figure out how to reinstall askcom toolbar. All I see online is how to remove, not a single tutorial on how to install. Not even on askcom 😭
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